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Notifications with WhatsApp for WooCommerce

Send and receive automated WhatsApp notifications built with customizable templates.

  • Effectively communicate with buyers via WhatsApp.
  • Receive instant notifications of purchases and respond to buyers immediately.
  • Use templates to create custom messages.

Instant notifications for buyers and sellers

Efficiently enhance order management and customer communication with the Notifications with WhatsApp extension. Utilize the WhatsApp Cloud API integration to automatically send purchase data to buyers and sellers upon order completion.


  • New order notifications for sellers
  • New order notifications for customers
  • Update order status notifications for customers
  • Customizable template messages
  • Personalized messages using dynamic variables, extracting information directly from order and customer details
  • Generate tokens with Meta Business
  • Direct integration with WhatsApp Cloud API
  • View Received Messages


  • Receive and complete orders directly within the world’s most popular messaging app
  • Automate messaging without intermediaries
  • Eliminate additional costs often associated with similar solutions in the market
  • No extra charges for message delivery
  • Gain greater control and enjoy cost savings
  • Ongoing support from our team to help you:
    • Seamlessly integrate the extension
    • Optimize settings on both platforms

How it works?


This extension is not developed or endorsed by Meta.

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