New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Product Likes for WooCommerce

Allow customers to like products and keep a list of them in their account.

Add like buttons to products within your store, like on social networks

We are all familiar with liking content on social networks so why not add likes functionality to your store, this allows a customer to like products and they can keep a list of their liked products for future reference and/or purchase via their account, increasing sales and repeat customers.

This extension also includes it’s own dashboard listing all products and the amount of likes, you can also view which products customers liked. Customers can like products from product pages, category pages, search pages and other areas. You can even allow non-logged in users to like products too.

Read on to find out why you should use Product Likes and the great features included…

Peter, an eCommerce store owner said:
“Lets our customers like products and allows us to see which products customers like most. 💖”


  • Allow your customers to like/unlike products in your store
  • Likes button shown in majority of pages/areas where products are shown
  • Customers can see a list of previously liked products in their account and add to cart from it
  • Can be used with the standard WooCommerce products shortcode to display most liked products
  • See total number of likes on every product
  • See which customers liked a product
  • See total number of likes by customer
  • See which products a specific customer has liked
  • Search, sort, export and print product likes data
  • Enable liking for non-logged in users
  • Heart, star, thumb icons or none
  • Disable styling so you can use custom CSS
  • Data tools for resyncing and deleting likes

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Get these great features for your store…

Like buttons

Like buttons are shown on products throughout your store, a likes total can also be displayed. Choose to display on product pages, product archive pages like shop, categories, search, etc and product blocks.

Most liked

Can be used with the standard WooCommerce products shortcode to display a list of the most liked products from your store, add the shortcode to pages, posts, templates, or another location in your store.

My account

The my account page gets a likes tab which allows customers to view a paginated list of products they have previously liked, they can even add products to cart directly from here for quick purchases.

Product totals

Within the dashboard you can review the total number likes on every product across your store, you can click the likes total to see which customers have liked the product. Also includes search, sort, export and print functionality.

Customer totals

Within the dashboard you can review the total number of likes by customers, you can click the likes total to see which products a specific customer has liked. Also includes search, sort, export and print functionality.

Guest likes

Allows likes of products for customers who are not logged in. In this scenario the non-logged in customer has a cookie set to record their likes as they browse your store. Guest likes count towards the overall total likes count.

Like icons

You can display the likes button as a heart, star or thumb icon. There is also a none option for a text based link. To use your own custom icon you can disable all the styling with the included option and use your own custom CSS.


This extension includes a dedicated settings area within WooCommerce settings, from here you can configure several settings, allowing to customize product likes to the requirements of your store.


See the extension in action…

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Example usage

Michael manages a WooCommerce store selling womenswear, with Product Likes he can enable liking of products on his store. This allows his customers to like products and keep a list of previously liked products in their accounts. These customers can then view their list of liked products later and add to cart directly from the likes tab in their account. Michael can see which products are the most liked and export this data to use when deciding on new products to add to his product range. If a customer calls him he can quickly find out which products the customer has previously liked and make recommendations on similar new products for purchase.

More information

  • Read documentation for an overview of the settings, options, frequently asked questions and more
  • Contact us if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help

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