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Smart Daily Checks for WooCommerce

by  Nevma
Use Smart Daily Checks to automatically monitor and track product listings.

Automate Monitoring and Tracking Product Listings

Use the Smart Daily Checks plugin to automate the quality control of product listings in your store.

Smart Daily Checks displays any detected errors in product listings. For instance, if a product listing is missing an image or has missing price information, you’ll know so you can correct the listing right away.

Smart Daily Checks can collect data on how many published and in-stock products are available by brand or category.

Smart Daily Checks also allows you to track product information over time.

Are you looking for a way to automate your WooCommerce product checks? Smart Daily Checks is the answer.


  • Allows you to be proactive about monitoring your product listings.
  • Includes the tools to create daily procedures that ensure product-listing quality
  • Collects historical data on the number of products per category and by brand
  • Creates XML/CSV Feeds comparing data between dates
  • Runs live checks of your products
  • Tracks various CSV/XML feeds (Facebook, Google, Skroutz, and Best Price)

Smart Daily Checks includes three main reports

  1. Category Report
  2. Brand Report
  3. XML/CSV Report

You can run automated reports daily or run live checks whenever you like.

Category Report

Category Report presentation - Smart Daily Checks. You can see the smart report of the category reporting. Track the changes of the category products or even track product without images or zero price
Category Report presentation – Smart Daily Checks

Brand Report

Brand Report presentation - Smart Daily Checks. You can see the smart report of the Brand reporting. Track the changes of the Brand products or even track product without images or zero price
Brand Category Report – Smart Daily Check

XML CSV Report

XML/CSV Report Report presentation - Smart Daily Checks. You can see the smart report of the XML/CSV Report reporting. Track the changes of the XML/CSV Report products or even track product without images or zero price
XML/CSV Report presentation – Smart Daily Checks

Be confident about the quality and consistency of your shop’s listings. Use Smart Daily Checks and easily monitor and track your store’s product listings.

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