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Gift Wrap Option for WooCommerce

Offer personalized gift wrapping services to your customer at product, cart, & checkout pages to earn additional revenue.

Benefits of Offering Gift-Wrapping Services

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • Increased Brand’s Perceived Value
  • Increased Chances of Conversion

Add Custom Gift-Wrapping Services to Your Store

The gift-wrapping industry is worth more than $5.9 billion in the US alone and over $18 billion worldwide. While almost all traditional brick-and-mortar stores offer gift-wrapping services, there’s a huge gap in the e-commerce industry.

The WooCommerce gift wrap option allows you to offer digital gift-wrapping services to your customers. This extension enables you to add gift-wrapping option to product, cart, and checkout pages. 

It includes rule-based gift wrap management by which you can add multiple gift wrap designs, add gift wraps based on particular products and categories, add a gift wrap option as an in-page element or popup

To promote exclusivity, you can allow customers to add personalized messages to their wrapped products (or your final product). Each gift wrap design style, text, and appearance can be completely customized, and you can choose to implement taxes on the service as well. 

Keep track of progress with a dedicated dashboard and view sales and revenue for each design with the gift wrap option extension for WooCommerce. 


  • Create multiple gift-wrapping designs for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc. 
  • Customize each design
  • Implement rule-based management to configure different wrapping settings
  • Add different prices for different wrapping designs
  • Add product-specific gift wrap designs
  • Enable gift wrapping on specific products or categories
  • Allow customers to add special messages with wrappings
  • Add gift-wrapping options on specific Product, Cart, and Checkout pages
  • Choose the position and style of the gift wrap feature on a page 
  • Restrict gift wrapping based on user roles
  • Display wrapping designs in-page or in a popup
  • Show the wrapping option as a button or link 
  • Customize wrapping success messages
  • Make wrapping fees taxable
  • View a detailed dashboard for gift-wrapping sales
  • Add gift wrap options to variable products (New)
  • Limit max number of products per gift wrap (New)

woocommerce gift wrap option

Why offer gift-wrapping services?

The US gift-wrapping industry has grown from $3.99 billion to $5.6 billion from 2018 to 2023. It is expected to go over $7 billion by 2025(Statistica), indicating the huge potential and growth opportunities for online businesses. Similarly, it has other benefits like:

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • Increased Brand’s Perceived Value
  • Increased Chances of Conversion

woocommerce gift wrap option

Add & Manage Multiple Gift Wrap Designs

Gift Wrapper for WooCommerce lets you add multiple gift-wrapping designs for various occasions, like birthdays, holidays, celebration seasons, and more. Each wrapping design can be managed and customized through the gift wrap’s design section.

Customize New Gift Wrap Designs

Offer a huge variety of gift-wrapping options in your store by creating unique designs from scratch. Personalize gift wraps by adding

  • Gift Wrap name
  • Gift Wrap Description
  • Gift Wrap Images
  • Gift Wrap Prices

woocommerce gift wrap option

Implement Rule-Based Management

The extension includes rules-based management to assign different wrapping designs to various products, categories, and user roles. You can add and manage all rules from a log.

woocommerce gift wrap option

Customize Gift-Wrapping Rules

Show gift-wrapping options as buttons or links

You can display gift-wrapping options as buttons or links. The wrappings will be displayed on a page or in a popup, depending on your settings

Enable wrapping for specific products or your entire catalog

You can enable gift wrapping on specific products, categories, or your entire catalog.

Show gift wrap options on Product, Cart, or Checkout pages

Display the gift-wrapping option on Product pages to offer gift wrapping on individual products or display it on Cart and Checkout pages to allow customers to wrap their entire orders.

Restrict gift wrap option by user role

You can select user roles to restrict the visibility of the gift wrapper option. Restricted users will not be able to see gift wrapping option on any page.

Select specific gift-wrapping designs

If you create multiple gift-wrapping designs, you can choose specific designs for specific products. For example, select wedding gift wrap and silver gift wrap for wedding presents.

gift wrapper for woocommerce

Display Wrapping Option on a Page or in an Attractive Popup

You can display gift wrapping on-page or in a popup on the product page.

Note – On cart and checkout pages, gift-wrapping designs always appear in a popup.

Customize Gift Wrap Option Placement and Layout

With the WooCommerce Gift Wrapper extension, you can control where the gift-wrapping feature is displayed on the product, cart, and checkout pages. From the general settings tab, you can customize the appearance and placement of the gift-wrapping feature.

Product Page

From product page settings, you can choose to display the gift wrapper in a popup or in-page. You can also select whether to display the button before add-to-cart or after add-to-cart

woocommerce gift wrap option

Cart Page

You can display the gift-wrapping option on the cart page in a single or double-column popup. You can also choose from one of the following button placement options:

  • After coupon code bar
  • Before cart total title
  • Before proceed to checkout button
  • After proceed to checkout
  • Shortcode to place the button anywhere on the cart page

woocommerce gift wrap option

Checkout Page

Just like the cart page, you can also enable a single or double-column popup on checkout page for gift-wrapping option. For the button placement options, you can choose from:

  • After coupon code bar
  • Before cart total title
  • Before proceed to checkout button
  • After proceed to checkout
  • Shortcode to place the button anywhere on the cart page

woocommerce gift wrap option

Customize gift wrapper button and pop-up Style

With Gift-wrapper for WooCommerce extension, you can custom style the gift-wrap option buttons on product, cart, and checkout pages. In addition to this, you can also customize the popup’s appearance by adjusting its height and width.

woocommerce gift wrap option

Make Data Driven Decisions With a Detailed Dashboard 

Make the most out of the gift-wrapping feature on your store with a detailed dashboard. View sales of each gift wrap design along with its revenue. 

The dashboard offers performance for each design with a sales graph. You can filter the sales graph by date range and select a gift-wrapping design to see its performance within a defined period.

woocommerce gift wrap option

Other Gift Wrap Option Customizations

With the WooCommerce Gift Wrap option, you can allow users to add personal notes to their gifts. On top of that, you can adjust multiple features and customize the following options

  • Add custom text for the Gift Wrap Success message
  • Add a Heading for the Gift Wrap section
  • Insert a Gift Wrap Description 
  • Let customers add a Personal note with the gift wrap
  • Implement a character limit for Personal Notes 
  • Enable taxation on gift wrap

woocommerce gift wrap option

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