The User Experience Feedback extension identifies usability issues, such as confusing navigation, complicated flows, or unclear instructions. With survey feedback, you can promptly address user-reported problems. New users can avoid the same issues and returning shoppers will be impressed by your response to their suggestions.
Maintaining a high level of functionality and reliability increases brand equity, customer satisfaction, and retention.
Thank You page surveys
A Thank You page survey
When users complete Thank You page feedback, you can see it on the Order details page.
Edit order page
Product-page surveys
Product-page surveys can inform you about difficulties your customers have placing orders. Shoppers can also let you know about desired product variations or improvements.
A Product-page survey
View each product’s feedback score.
Extensive customization
Customize Thank You and Product-page surveys
WordPress customizer
Manage feedback and view Analytics
View and filter feedback on one dashboard
Feedback admin page
Explore feedback data with a powerful React.js-based analytics page.
Feedback analytics page
User Experience Feedback provides valuable insights, enables continuous improvement, enhances user satisfaction, and contributes to the long-term success of a website by meeting user needs and expectations.