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Yotpo Product Reviews & UGC for WooCommerce

Collect and display user-generated content (UGC) such as Ratings & Reviews to showcase social proof.

Yotpo helps eCommerce brands collect product reviews that drive social proof. With AI-powered reviews widgets, Yotpo makes it easy for eCommerce brands of all sizes to gather high-quality product reviews that impact the path to purchase. Yotpo’s partner integrations make it easy for brands to display reviews and star ratings on social media and search engines like Google. Plus, with Yotpo Reviews, brands can also unlock synergies between SMS and loyalty.

  • Stand out on search with Google Seller Ratings and Google Shopping Ads
  • Connect your reviews with our SMS, loyalty, and subscriptions product synergies
  • Use our marketer-friendly solution to customize your reviews widget
  • Leverage Smart Filters to build buyer confidence by displaying relevant content
Please note: Third party extensions are not covered under our Support Policy.

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