More webinars: help us decide what’s next

Escrito por Warren Holmes on julho 25, 2014 Blog.

Did you catch our first ever webinar on Tuesday? We hosted a joint hangout with Brennan Dunn, owner at PlanScope and author of the popular Double Your Freelancing Rate. Patrick Rauland chatted to him about selling time as a freelancer and they were joined online by 850 attendees. Not half bad!

If you missed out on how you can increase your freelance rates, here’s the webinar:

We’ve received some great feedback about it:


and have been really pleased by the interest shown. We were testing the webinar waters with this one but will now definitely be doing more! Help us decide what’s next:

Make sure you’re signed to to receive our newsletters so you find out about future webinars and we’ll see you soon.


4 Responses

  1. פיליפ קושמרו
    julho 27, 2014 at 9:06 am #

    Thanks for the embedded video. Helped a lot 🙂 I actually started implicating some points.

  2. Glen Carrie
    julho 28, 2014 at 2:21 pm #

    It was a great webinar and some very valuable points made and tips given. I would never have believed that you could charge for a estimate. Looking forward to more great webinars and meet-ups.

  3. FranciscoAMK
    julho 28, 2014 at 3:28 pm #

    I was one of the 850 attendees, and was really fun and useful. I ended up buying the book DYFR and that gave tons of aha moments. Now I’m rethinking the way I charge for my services.

    Thanks a lot

    • Warren Holmes
      julho 28, 2014 at 4:41 pm #

      Great to hear!