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Admin – Clone/duplicate workflow function


Current Status


Last updated: July 3, 2018


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  1. woo on woocommerce and wordpress says:

    Not only is it time consuming, but it is also error prone to have to reenter many similar workflows. It happens frequently as there is no branching logic within a workflow.

  2. rossodigital says:

    You can use the ‘Duplicate Page’ plugin to do this as well in the meantime >

    It adds the ‘duplicate this’ link on the Workflow overview page.

  3. broberts567f48640a says:

    I opened a support ticket for this out of frustration. From my perspective it turns out this was my (user) confusion due to poor User Interface of the plugin. The “duplicate” was indeed created but it was placed in the DRAFT area. This is not evident or indicated to the user. Developers, please consider some simple user notification that the dupes are considered “Drafts” when Duplicate is selected.

  4. Ginger says:

    This one should be moved up. I’ve needed it many times.

  5. hellonouveau75 says:

    Hello! Any update on this feature?

  6. Jennifer Dickens says:

    Marc: I am a new user and can’t believe there is no duplicate workflow post feature. Very dissappointing since I have to duplicate so many of these for our products. AW WC you need to add this feature, a no brainer.

  7. Marc says:

    I’m a new user and just created my first workflow and I’m shocked there is no duplcate/clone function. This is a must add feature!

  8. Dave Kauffman says:

    I spend hours copying and pasting workflows with small variations that would be saved with a Duplicate option.

  9. Dan Bitzer says:

    Marked this feature request as Planned

    I believe we need to add this natively to AutomateWoo. In my opinion, the use case for cloning workflows is high enough and the experience with the Duplicate Post plugin is awkward enough.

    When using Duplicate Post, you need to go deep in to settings just to enable it on workflows. Then when you duplicate a workflow, the duplicated workflow essentially disappears because we use custom post statuses for workflows. This means the post ends up in the "Drafts" view which isn’t very obvious.

  10. Timothy Burgin says:

    Yes please! This would make life so much easier!!

  11. Ross Yes says:

    Can use this plugin to duplicate the workflows – works like a charm for me: