Add a filter hook that runs before a card code is applied at cart or at checkout. This should allow developers to perform their own custom validation before a card is applied to an order. I am working on a website that has multiple currencies and I want only allow users to use cards in the same currency as they were purchased in. For example if a card was purchased using Euro, and a user tries to use that card while they have selected GBP, my custom validation will not allow that.
In my test environment I modified you plugin and added a hook in file: /woocommrce-gift-cards/includes/class-wc-gc-cart.php
Function: process_gift_card_cart_form
My code is this (See screenshot):
if( ! apply_filters( ‘custom_gift_card_validation’, true, $args ) ){
$this->notices[] = array( ‘text’ => __( ‘Invalid gift card’, ‘woocommerce-gift-cards’ ), ‘type’ => ‘notice’ );
return false;
This hook allows me to perform custom validation as explained above. There may be another better place to add this hook, but that is the only place I could find.
Last updated: November 26, 2024
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