Mailchimp Banner Promo Product Page | Q3 2024

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Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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Quick Buy Now Button for WooCommerce

Make your checkout process faster by skipping cart and redirect users directly to cart page. Add a custom button for specific products to let customers purchase from Amazon, eBay or any other marketplace

Disable “Add to Cart”

Hi, I have just purchased your plugin which works so fine. However, in my website, there are two types of products. “Membership” & physical goods. I activated “Buy Now” function in my Membership. When someone clicks it mistakenly, and then adds some physical goods into the cart, they will have a chance of getting the unwanted Membership if not double check the list. So I would like to request for the feature if possible. Thank you.

The function can be found on extension called “Cashier->Preserve existing cart items on Buy Now”.
(I did the refund with Cashier due to unwanted conflict with some of my site builder)



Current Status


Last updated: December 18, 2022


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