Securely accept credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, recurring revenue, accelerated checkout, and more in 135+ currencies with WooPayments.
There are no setup fees or hidden charges — our pay-as-you-go pricing model deducts fees directly from each payment made with WooPayments. See the fees for your country.
Supporting 165 banks and several other payment methods, Przelewy24 connects you to more customers with their preferred way to pay.
Fees: 2.2% + 2.40kr.
Accept payments using the most popular online payment method in Belgium when you use Bancontact through WooPayments.
Fees: 1.4% + 2.40kr.
Get more sales with the most popular online payment method in the Netherlands.
Fees: 3.10kr.
Ready to simplify your payments workflow while increasing conversions and reducing cart abandonment? Download WooPayments for free today.
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