New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

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Back in Stock and Price Alert for WooCommerce

Allow your customers to subscribe for out of stock products and receive automatic email when product is back in stock.

Alert Customers When Products Restock or Prices Change

Back in Stock and Price Alert extension for WooCommerce allows your customers to subscribe to restock notifications on out-of-stock products.

You can enable a stock alert subscription for specific out-of-stock products and send an automatic email when products restock. The extension maintains a separate grid to list all subscribers with their current subscription status, products subscribed for, and more. You can filter subscribers by products and subscription statuses.

You can also enable price alert subscription on selected price sensitive products to let customers subscribe for price drop email alerts. You can choose to trigger automatic email notifications when prices drop or increase. This feature can bring back price-cautious customers by offering price cuts. The extension lists all subscribers in a separate grid to let admins filter by product and subscription status.

Features of back-in-stock notifications

  • Enable subscription forms for out-of-stock products
  • Display subscription boxes for specific products, categories, and user roles
  • Automatically send email notifications when products restock
  • Allow subscription boxes to backorder products
  • Add minimum restock count to trigger email alerts
  • Customizable subscription box text, buttons, and success and failure messages
  • Customizable email notifications with unsubscribe links
  • A dashboard to view the most-subscribed products, total counts, and more
  • Grid view of restock-subscribed user details along with emails
  • Ability to filter grid views by product and subscription statuses
  • Includes privacy policy text with a checkbox

Features of price alerts

  • Enable price alerts for specific products and user roles
  • Trigger email notifications in case of price drops or increases
  • Customizable subscription-box texts, buttons, and success and failure messages
  • Customizable email notifications with unsubscribe links
  • A dashboard view of the total number of subscribed users and most subscribed products
  • Grid view of subscribed user details along with emails
  • Ability to filter grid views by product and subscription statuses
  • A dashboard to view the most-subscribed products, total count, and more
  • Grid view of price-alert subscribed user details along with emails
  • Ability to filter grid view by product and subscription statuses
  • Include privacy policy text with a checkbox

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The Back in Stock and Price Alert extension for WooCommerce comes with a powerful dashboard that displays the total number of subscriptions, last subscriptions, alerts sent, and the most-subscribed products for out-of-notification and price alerts.

Back in stock notifications

You can configure restock notifications for specific products, categories, and user roles. You can also add minimum stock amounts to trigger email notifications, customize subscription box labels, buttons, success, and unsubscribed and fail messages.

Manage restock subscribers

You can view details of users subscribed for out-of-stock products to get automatic notifications when items restock. The grid shows important information about subscriptions such as subscriber names, email addresses, product names, subscription dates, current statuses, and last email notifications. The grid enables you to filter subscribers by subscription statuses (subscribed or unsubscribed) and products.

Price-increases and price drop alerts

You can choose to enable the price-alert subscription form on selected products, categories, and user roles. Trigger email notifications on price drops, price increases, or both. You can also customize button labels and custom messages.

Manage price-alert subscribers

The grid view allows you to see the list of subscribers by names, email addresses, product names, subscription dates, waiting times, current statuses, and last email notifications. The grid enables you to filter subscribers by subscription status (subscribed or unsubscribed) and products.

Email notifications

You can configure seven emails notifications for admins and customers.

  • Email to admins when there are new-stock alert subscriptions
  • Email to admins when there are new-price alert subscriptions
  • Email to customers when there are new restock subscriptions
  • Email to customers when they enable price-alert subscriptions
  • Email to customers when product prices increase
  • Email to customers when product prices drop
  • Email to customers when products restock

Email logs

The extension records all email notifications sent to customers for price alerts, restocks, and more.

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