BST Category | Sitewide Banner Q1 2025

Added by Marketing - Russell L

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Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce

Add shipment tracking information to your orders.

add a tracking number as an order action (in the order list).

In our fulfilment process, the only reason to click and load an order is to add the tracking number. Everything else (invoice printing, label printing etc) can be done via action buttons in the order list. Clicking each order, wait for it to load etc, takes a lot of time and breaks the flow of the packing person.

Could you add an action button to add the tracking number? When clicked, the form to add the number should appear in-line.


Current Status


Last updated: January 2, 2019

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  1. sonicmediadesign says:

    It would be even better (imo) to add a “quick edit order” button to each order in the order overview where admins can open a popup for each order and input the tracking info into the fields.

    While there are “quick edit order” plugins available, they only present original woocommerce meta fields.

    Would be a huge, huge time safer for everyone in need to add tracking info for 40 orders per day.