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Follow-Ups for WooCommerce

Automatically contact customers after purchase - be it everyone, your most loyal or your biggest spenders - and keep your store top-of-mind.

Add custommer email as Usage limit


I would like to limit coupons only for the user getting the email. So I want the email of the user would be added as a usage limit to coupon.

Thank you very much for your help.


Current Status


Last updated: June 13, 2017

1 comment

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  1. Alexander says:

    And this will give possibility to display those coupons in customer my-account zone, just like Smart coupons do. This is such a small, but such a useful feature.
    what we have now – is just send those coupons, but i cant see what i have in my account and what i can use. i`m really tired of looking for the solution..