BST Category | Sitewide Banner Q1 2025

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Add shop to youtube

Add Shop to youtube



Current Status


Last updated: April 4, 2024


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  1. fadio81 says:

    Unfortunately it seems migrating to Shopify is the only solution right now

  2. priyashrivastavame says:

    I want to create my store on Woo but due to the lack of this feature, I am confused to choose between Woo or Shopify. Can you tell us if you have any plans to provide a solution soon?

  3. tracy44bryant says:

    I really don’t want to change websites but connecting to YouTube is a big deal for my business. I’m sure I’m not alone here.

  4. edinabalczo says:

    It would be amazing if this feature will be available, currently I am sending off my subscribers to Fourthwall, but I would much rather send them to my website to check out in my web shop!

  5. WDWMagazine says:

    echoing what everybody else here has said – this is really creating a barrier to my business. need this feature urgently!

  6. Andy says:

    This is a mission critical feature for a lot of us, I won’t wait forever.

  7. bmclementstiuedu says:

    I was also bummed to see that we cannot yet integrate with YT shop. This may cause us to switch to Shopify.

  8. hrshtpareek1 says:

    Same issue, one of my client wants to integrate with YouTube shop as he is a youtube creator. Any update on the timelines on this.

  9. Muvideas says:

    We have clients wanting to expand into using YouTube shopping. As the channel and new podcast take off, we will have to find a solution for them.

    We’d like to not have to build an additional Shopify store to support their growth.

    Any updates on this feature would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Support @ Torvo says:

    I’m a developer that is interested in fixing this issue but I do not have a monetized Youtube channel. If you are interested in helping me get in touch with a Youtube Partner Manager, to address this, please reach out to

  11. jruschinskiab801711e3 says:

    I totally agree. I think a lot of us are seriously considering leaving WordPress and Woocommerce because our main funnel is youtube. As I’ve read it’s both sides saying the other one has to act. Like Woo saying google has zo work on this. And Google says Woo has to do the work.

    It’s about the businesses of quite a lot of us. Not integrating it while the main opponent has been doing so for months is the worst possible way to keep a customer.

  12. themusetech says:

    This is so overdue. I have 5 stores. I can get them on TikTok before YouTube? My major clients don’t bother with TikTok. They have 50-70k followers and that’s on facebook and youtube. I need this like yesterday or I am going to have to open up a shopify so I don’t lose my client. I have sold your products to all of them and now I am on the hook. Please prioritize this. I will come back with an update. Let’s hope they stick it out a bit longer. My loyalties have to go with my client over product. 🥺😔

  13. hughtecdevelope says:

    Need this feature

  14. huang huang says:

    I hope to complete this feature as soon as possible. This feature will promote the growth of WordPress. Many customers hope to have this feature.

  15. Xpoly says:

    I can’t believe they don’t have this feature and that more small business aren’t requesting it. We don’t want to move to shopify but are considering it for this feature alone.

  16. feralforaging says:

    Agreed, I’m sure this may be on the end of YT, but if there is some work on both ends, I’m commenting to say that I would really love for this integration to exist!

  17. Tyler Yanta says:

    It baffles me that WC doesn’t have an integration with YouTube Shopping.