Mailchimp Banner Promo Product Page | Q3 2024

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Klarna Payments Q3 2024 banner

Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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by  Woo
The only payment solution fully integrated to Woo. Accept credit/debit cards and local payment options with no setup or monthly fees.

Add support for Romanian merchants to the new WooCommerce Payments module

Allow merchants in Romania to use WooCommerce Payments in RON currency,


Current Status


Last updated: May 27, 2020


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  1. clauuudiu says:

    There’s quite some time since Stripe can be used in Romania. We would expect Woocommerce to accept Romania as well.

  2. gv.ionut says:

    🙂 and it’s 2023 … what about Romanian merchants?!

  3. rcristi87 says:

    Stripe supports Romania for accepting payments, I hope Woo team will integrate this country in a timely manner

  4. mihaipodina says:

    Hi! Do you plan to offer the pssibility to use this extension in Romania? It will provide us musch a lot of help dealing with the payment methods.

    Can someone provide an update on this request?


  5. Arsene Marius says:

    Woo comerce any updates on this, please?

  6. krissyou says:

    2021 make it available to Romanian merchants

  7. Ulmeanu Adrian says:

    Allow merchants in Romania to use WooCommerce Payments.