Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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The only payment solution fully integrated with WooCommerce. Accept credit/debit cards and local payment options with no setup or monthly fees.

Add support to Kuwait

Since there is a few payments gateway that support Kuwait, and most of them ask for a monthly fees and required a legal entity,

So it is a very good thing to support Kuwait , So you will attract all Kuwaiti online store, once they here about it,

And since Im running a web design business, we will make your payment gateway for all websites we build,

Additionally Kuwait is a small country but the online purchasing power is very high, also it is getting more higher during COVID 19 epidemic,

So we will appreciate if you support Kuwait.

Thanks in advance.


Current Status


Last updated: May 14, 2020


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  1. freelancerrubel65 says:

    How to use apple pay in Kuwaiti

  2. hp96126 says:

    I totally agree with Mr AlQattan, not only in Kuwait but in all Gulf countries, as he said Middle East customers have an online high Purchase intention and power, and by neglecting them you are definitely “leaving money on the table”.Thus kindly make promptly WOOcommerce payment gateway available. FYI “Mastercard online Shopping behavior study in the Middle East” …and it was in 2013 !
    Best Regards.