New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Elavon Converge Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

Take credit card payments with Elavon, the fourth largest merchant acquirer in North America.

Ajax Form for card number and no pending invoice.

What we need to be done:
– Place the credit card form in the same page as the checkout page.
– Create a woocommerce invoice ONLY when Elavon confirm the payment is a success.

With this plugin, when a client choose pay by card, they have to push an extra button to “Continue to the payment”. This open another webpage and create a “Pending invoice” in woocommerce. But this is not the good way to go. If the client close the page before paying online he has in had an Order Number. This is not good. The client should have an Order Number only if the payment is a success.

This should not happen. The client should send their card information and only after payment validation from Elavon, the invoice should be created in the system.

This make no sense to create a Pending invoice.



Current Status


Last updated: September 10, 2024


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