Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Measurement Price Calculator for WooCommerce

Add a calculator to your product pages to calculate product quantity required or overall price by square footage and more.

Auto adapt shipping method based on length/width


with the measurement price calculator plugin, the customer now would be able to only pay for the total sqm, based on the input in length x width.

the challenge is that we have 2 different shipping methods:
1- max 2m length x 70cm we can ship with GLS, which the customer pays 24,99 for
2- above the mentioned size in 1, we organize the delivery with more complex logistics and the customers pays 70 for this method

how can we set a rule that the shipping method auto applies based on his input in length x width?


Sinan Ozkan

Current Status


Last updated: September 17, 2023


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