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by  Woo
Powerful marketing automation for WooCommerce. AutomateWoo has the tools you need to grow your store and make more money.

Ability to send a recurring scheduled workflow/email/newsletter to all customers


Current Status


Last updated: October 11, 2018


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  1. Sebastián Guevara says:

    Valeria Anissina: Hi Valerie, I’d love to know how you scheduled the weekly workflow, I’m looking to implement the same but don’t know what’s the best trigger to use

  2. Valeria Anissina says:

    Joey Ricketts: Thank you. Suggestion upvoted.

  3. Joey Ricketts says:

    Valeria Anissina: This would be a more streamlined way to just send a mass email to X customers, vs. how it is now, which requires a specific event.

  4. Valeria Anissina says:

    Isn’t that already available? I send weekly new arrivals to my subscribers