Would be useful to have more rules for subscriptions as an example: shipping country can be used to update shipping prices based on country (when using per product shipping).
Last updated: March 25, 2019
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We need late fees for unpaid subscription renewal orders.
Dan Bitzer: If I could throw my two-cents in there is another post just added to the feature requests about having late fees (either a product or a line item of a product on an order) added to subscriptions orders that are not paid on time. This would be great for people doing rentals of any type.
Dan Bitzer Another VERY useful rule would be "price is:"
That way you can target the same subscription product but only specific price ranges etc. (equal, more than, less than etc.)
Dan Bitzer: Just looked at order – item count and yes would be similar just quantity for subscriptions
Levi K: Is that similar to the ‘Order – Item Count’ or ‘Order – Line Count’ rules?
Dan Bitzer: got it
Regarding the rule suggestion "is quantity", I thought about it a little longer and it can work as follows
Rule: "is Quantity"
than you have a field to select an operator
(some examples: = equals to, > more than, < Less than, =>, =< etc.)
Field to select the amount
Levi K: There is also a rule called ‘Subscription – Payment Method’ that lets you select specific gateways.
Dan Bitzer:
It can be a little more flexible if it would allow you to select the payment method (example paypal or stripe etc.)
Is quantity can work in multiple ways:
1 and more than one should be an option
and it can also allow you to target specific quantity’s
Marked this feature request as
Levi K: Ok thanks! A couple of those rules already exist.
The only one I’m not sure about is the ‘is quantity’ rule. How would that work?
Dan Bitzer: Here are some rules I thought of quickly
obviously some are more important than others
Levi K Thanks for this suggestion! Could you provide a list of subscription rules you have thought of?