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Add sign-up/subscribe popup shortcode

This would be similar to the new communication sign-up page but designed to be used in a popup. So the design would be different and the form would submit via AJAX.

By adding this as a shortcode, users can use a third party popup plugin like Boxzilla to handle the frontend popup.

Having this sign-up option would provide a good way to capture customer emails and then immediately perform automations like adding a tag to the customer.


  • add customer to third-party newsletter list
  • customer email can be used for abandoned cart emails
  • the customer could be sent a unique discount via a workflow


Current Status


Last updated: November 16, 2018


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  1. Torkild Smith says:

    Update on this? (I voted yes) Would be great to have in a popup to give a voucher on first order when subscribing.

  2. ManureFetish says:

    hope this will be a feature soon.

  3. Sam Underwood says:

    Surprised this isn’t already a feature! Seems like a no-brainer.

  4. George Shufany says:

    Dan Bitzer: So the only way to capture user’s email is at checkout – after he/she filled out all the checkout fields and finished the entire step? 🤔
    What if the user abandoned at the cart page before even getting to the checkout page? How can I target him with abandoned emails?

  5. Dan Bitzer says:

    Hi George Shufany, this is an feature request/ideas board so this shortcode doesn’t exist yet. Please leave a vote if you’d like this feature.

  6. George Shufany says:

    Hi, what is the shortcode for that?