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Apply Review Reward to Subscription

The ability to offer a cash reward for leaving a review is great, but the challenge is how to be fair to customers who are on subscription and also how to get reviews from some of a store’s best customers. If the subscriber leaves a review, then he or she will need to break their subscription in order to advantage the incentive discount. Therefore the ability to push a coupon reward to a subscriber’s next subscription order would be wonderful and create a seamless experience that enables the store owner to seek reviews from subscribers without fear of breakage, and let subscribers participate in the review process. I think even if this were a little messy and the reward pushed to the next subscription payment, even if it were not the reviewed product, it would be great.


Justin Troxell

Current Status


Last updated: May 5, 2019

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  1. Dan Bitzer says:

    Thanks JT! Great suggestion!