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Coupon about to expire

Trigger: coupon about to expire within X hours/days

Would be great to trigger some last minute sales + this would make an awesome follow up.


Current Status


Last updated: December 7, 2018


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  1. Danny Bling says:

    This would be brilliant

  2. Derek Reynolds says:

    Hi Dan Bitzer! Hope all is well with the team. Just checking in to see if there are any updates on this feature?

  3. Derek Reynolds says:

    +1 Debra! The ability to send a follow up email with the original (AutomateWoo generated) coupon code, informing customers that their coupon is about to expire would be create a huge bump in coupon-related conversions!

  4. Debra Reed says:

    For personalized coupons, it would be great if the original coupon code can be added to the email in case it was lost/forgotten.

  5. Dan Bitzer says:

    Marked this feature request as Planned

  6. Ross Yes says:

    Absolutely! Create a bit of urgency!