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Coupon creation “Allowed Emails/Email restrictions” option

We like the coupon creation function. However, this can be improved with this function: We would like to have the option "Allowed Emails/Email restrictions" for the new created coupon via Automate Woo. So the customer billing email adress would be the value for that field for each coupon. Why this is needed? 1.) With that coupons can be created in a more "personalized" way. 2.) We provide coupons after 10 orders or after X spend amount. We do not want that a other person than that specific person can use that coupon. Same for birthdays.. we do not want that Person A can use a coupon from Person B.


Current Status


Last updated: February 27, 2021


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  1. Dan Bitzer says:

    Nico Sturzenegger: I’m not sure if it’s possible to add this feature as a custom function. The easier option for your devs would be to contribute it as a feature to AW core and we’ll release it in a new version.

  2. Nico Sturzenegger says:

    Dan Bitzer: Hello Dan, Yes this is very needed. But I’m not a developer. But I know some good Devs, they can help me here. But how do they have to do this? Is this a custom function in AW or a snipped which will add that option? And how difficult is that? I would happy to share the code afterwards in order taht you can implement that maybe?

  3. Dan Bitzer says:

    Nico Sturzenegger: It would be global and apply to every generated coupon.
    > So a checkbox option (YES/NO) in the customer.generate_coupon action would be very very useful. Any plans to implement that?
    We don’t have any plans to add it. We have a lot of other items on roadmap currently. If you need it urgently I’d recommend having a developer create some custom code to do this.
    You’re also welcome to submit a pull request directly to the AutomateWoo Git repository. If you’d like to do that I’ll can give you access.

  4. Nico Sturzenegger says:

    Maybe the why: We have to restrict some coupons to email adress but not all via AW generated coupons. So a checkbox option (YES/NO) in the customer.generate_coupon action would be very very useful. Any plans to implement that?

  5. Nico Sturzenegger says:

    Dan Bitzer: This is very cool! Thanks! But does that count for all genereated coupon via AW or can we define that?

  6. Dan Bitzer says:

    Nico Sturzenegger thanks for the feedback! At the moment we have a tiny code snippet that you can add to your site which will convert all future generated AW coupons to have email restriction.

  7. Nico Sturzenegger says:

    Dan Bitzer any feedback on that?