Make ‘Order Refunded’ trigger handle partial refunds.
Currently the Order Refunded only fires for full refunds and partial refunds are not handled.
This trigger should be able to run for all the following cases:
Hi, I wanted to use a trigger which notifies the admin and accounts department when a Refund of any type is done (by shop manager or whoever). Please guide me on creating this, I am unable to find how to add Refund Item amount and details into the mail.
I would like the mail to include order details follow by the item Refunded name & and its amount.
Hi, I wanted to use a trigger which notifies the admin and accounts department when a Refund of any type is done (by shop manager or whoever). Please guide me on creating this, I am unable to find how to add Refund Item amount and details into the mail.
I would like the mail to include order details follow by the item Refunded name & and its amount.
Yep this could be very useful in our system