Mailchimp Banner Promo Product Page | Q3 2024

added by Mahrie for July $1 promo - product page specific link to Mailchimp pricing

Klarna Payments Q3 2024 banner

Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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WooCommerce Google Product Review Feed for Google Shopping Ads

Display star ratings below your Google Shopping Ads and boost shopper confidence and help increase the click-through rate on your ads.

Brand + MPN

Need to offer a Brand + MPN option for those of us who don’t have a GTIN setup. Currently already using a different Google Feed plugin so we don’t have the option of relying on a different plugin to create GTINs for us.

Please offer a check box option for Brand + MPN with an option to use a brand field or use a fixed text in the Brand field and use existing MPN.



Current Status


Last updated: January 23, 2024


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