Coupons generated by this Jackpot Wheel are not mutually exclusive. Thus, if you spin it several times, get several coupon codes, ALL coupons can be applied to the cart for the same purcahase. This is due to your plugin not having the ability to “exclude all other coupons” when applying a coupon generated by this spinwheel.
Last updated: November 24, 2024
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Do you have a staging/test environment for your website? If yes, then we would like to test and fix the issue there.
Thank you for your comment. But we don’t have that checkbox in slices. We have the following fields:
Slice title, After spin popup message, Coupon discount percent, Exclude sale items, Minimum cart subtotal, Coupon expiry (days). That’s it.
You can configure coupon as Individual Use Only so that the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons. Go to WooCommerce > Jackpot Wheel.
You will se the list of coupon (wheel slices)
– Click on the Edit button which you want to make Individual Use only.
– Check the checkbox Individual Use only to make that coupon to be used individual.
Thank you,