Norton Site Banner Q1 2025

added by Latoya

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Currency rounding by Percantage

Actual: we can round currencies up to few given amounts.

My wish: to allow a percentage price change additionally (= percentage + rounding for nice prices)


I very much like the feature of the currency rounding, to set a little higher prices for some countries.

Because for several reasons, e.g. from the tax, it makes sense or is just possible to take a little higher prices for customers from some countries.

But the actual option is very limited and in some cases even creates strange prices.

So, when I round to 10 USD, for example. I end up with products of three differend prices only iny my shop: 30, 40 or 50 USD
This looks very strange – truly quite unserious.

Indeed I have several 100 products with a price range from 20 to 40 in all variations.

So, it would be great to have an option to round up for 10% maybe, and then round the outcoming price so 0.95 or whatever one may like.

This would be very helpful to keep a professional impression = more orders = more WooPayments. (-;




Current Status


Last updated: August 19, 2024


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