‘We have more than 50 different bookable product, available every day.
Our visitor usally book at least 2 month in advance.
How to make it work in 5 click or less
In listing mode 1 days at the time the system should have a date picker… or the date should be clickable and a “calendar” date picker show is face so the visitor can easily choose the date he need.
In a week view mode is just a joke for the visitor to find the date in a 350 choices (50 products times 7 days)
I will not talk about month…
Any way on mobile device the 1 days listing mode ths the most effective way to do it. From now this extention is just unusable.
So here some idea about this plugins in priority order:
– Add a date picker in 1 day listing
– Cookie or similar way to keep track of the visitor date selection (no need stats on admin site, maybe in the futur to analyse where we lost sales)
– transform the 1 day listing to a X (1 to 7) days listing selectable in admin
– add more design option for each “cell” title, price, bouton….
Last updated: April 15, 2020
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I have the same problem.