New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce

Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs.

Datepicker: Set Days which cant be booked

For example the sunday shouldnt be bookable on my store. please leave space for me to black it out generally.


Current Status


Last updated: July 17, 2018


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  1. Damien Carbery says:

    There is an example in the documentation about changing the Date Picker settings:

  2. Damien Carbery says:

    While waiting for the developers to implement this you should be able to write custom JavaScript to disable some dates.
    It looks like the plugin uses jQuery DatePicker.
    I blocked out some dates for client that used a different checkout field editor plugin (but both use jQuery DatePicker): see the ‘disabledDates’ parameter in

  3. Tu Pham says:

    This seems obvious, yet i had to explain this several times to customer support who then just referrred me to an alternate extension published by another developer.

    Is there a way you can at least validate it after selection to tell the user to change their selection to a date thats within the valid time/date range?