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Order Delivery for WooCommerce

Order Delivery for WooCommerce makes it easy for customers to choose a delivery date and time for their orders during the checkout process.

Deliver Date shortcode/variables

It will very useful to be able to use the delivery date on extensions like AutomateWoo and MailPoet.



Current Status


Last updated: June 19, 2023

1 comment

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  1. Themesquad says:
    Product developer June 20, 2023 9:21 am

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your feature request regarding the use of delivery dates on extensions like AutomateWoo and MailPoet. We apologize for any confusion. We would appreciate it if you could please reach out to our support team directly to provide more details and clarify your request. You can send us a pre-sales question or try our extension.

    Kind regards.