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Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce

Minimum and maximum quantity rules for products, orders and categories.

Display information to customers about min/max conditions

If Min/Max Quantities are added for products and products have restriction related to Min/Max values then there are no warnings or anything displayed for End User(customers) before purchasing the products from store.

Store owner will be aware about all these condition set in backend but customers will have no idea as this extension doesn’t show anything for end users.

Real Life Scenario-

Suppose there are a new customer on site and they want to purchase any product. Product is listed on Shop page and has a listing with the single product price.

When the customer adds the product in their cart then product is grouped in 5 (because product owner set Min Quantity = 5 in product setting)

Customer finds product are added in group of 5 and if they want to decrease quantity then can not because quantity is set min 5 from product owner.

Customer will not be aware why this is happening because there are not any information regarding Min Quantity in frontend

This will be confusing for customers.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Go to Shop page from a new customer account
Add any product in cart (which has set Min quantity in backend)
Review your cart
You will see, customer has added single product from Shop page but that product added in 5 in quantity. (As shop page always has price of single unit)


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Expected behavior

Those products should have any information for customers so they can know the condition of that product.

Can also show any tooltip for Min/Max conditions OR can show message when customer try to change value from Quantity Selector.


Current Status


Last updated: May 27, 2021


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