New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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WooCommerce Bookings Availability

Sell more bookings by presenting a calendar or schedule of available slots in a page or post.

Do not show available quantity of resources for a date and time slot during booking

When you run the shop with the setting that all bookings need to be first confirmed by admin, then it is NOT good to show the number of available resources for a given date and time when the user makes a booking. This is confusing for the user.

Currently, the dropdown field “starts” shows entries like “7:00 am (xx left)” with xx being the available resource quantity which MUST be set for each resource and cannot be left empty.

Please note:
1. The main WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory setting to hide remaining stock does not have any effect either.
2. I am not seeing any filters in the PHP code to change it that way either
3. There string “(xx left)” can be translated with PO but the parenthesis always remain. so it cannot be “translated away” as a workaround, either
4. No CSS class given that could be manipulated


Current Status


Last updated: May 13, 2020

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  1. JK R says:

    Any ideas how to hide the remaining number of resources in woo booking… ? It is confusing and ugly a basic function for stock items, why not for booking ressources?