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added by Latoya

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Follow-Ups for WooCommerce

Automatically contact customers after purchase - be it everyone, your most loyal or your biggest spenders - and keep your store top-of-mind.

Double Opt-in

Any plans for double opt-in, possibly?


Current Status


Last updated: January 4, 2018


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  1. kellydee80gmailcom says:

    I need this as well. The fact that it isn’t a feature by now disappoints me.

  2. waldsamkeit says:

    Yes! Double Opt-in is not only a nice feature. Europe is very strict in GDPR – so if follow ups does not allow double Opt-in , it is not legal to use in in whole europe! Here in Germany it is even more strict…

  3. scotth74 says:

    Yes looking for this alos to make user enter their email twice. Also a real phone feild with drop down of flags for country code and valide max and min numbers on the field would be greate.

  4. Tiago Duarte says:

    I just up-voted this with 3 votes. I think it’s an essential function for an Email Marketing plugin. I just bought the plugin and that disappointed me a lot. Anyway, here is my vote and please up-vote this 🙂

  5. Kevin Javitz says:

    seems like a good idea, no interest?