Mailchimp Banner Promo Product Page | Q3 2024

added by Mahrie for July $1 promo - product page specific link to Mailchimp pricing

Klarna Payments Q3 2024 banner

Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

Product Icon


by  Woo
Storefront is an intuitive & flexible, free theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce.

I cannot stop you from horribly cropping my photos for my product thumbnails, no matter what settings I change. Please make it easier.

Better thumbnails. Just show the whole image if you have to.


Current Status


Last updated: February 29, 2016


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  1. Edwin Hamers says:

    ‘@Tamer. This can, currently, not be done in storefront settings or the woocommerce settings

  2. Tamer Kilinc says:

    This can be done in Woocommerce settings. You can Change the Product Image sizes and choose if Woocommerce should hard crop your Images. After changing settings you need to recreate your Thumbnails. This can be done by a Plug-in called ,,Recreate Thumbnails”.