BST Category | Sitewide Banner Q1 2025

Added by Marketing - Russell L

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WooCommerce Bookings

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

Import Availability Schedule in CSV format

Right now if you want to add times where you are either available or unavailable in Bookings > Settings > Availability Schedule, you have to do each one manually. I have a list of over 200 dates that I have to manually set availability for. Normally, I would simply rely on the google calendar integration to pull all this data from my google calendar, but unfortunately there is a bug currently with no ETA for a fix that allows customers to schedule booking end times within unavailable timeframes pulled from Google Calendar. Obviously that makes using the Google Calendar integration pretty much impossible and tech support suggested I block out all my dates and times manually while they work on fixing this eventually, someday.

So, being able to import events via a CSV file would be super useful instead of manually entering over 200 dates and times.

I’ve been trying to launch our studio bookings feature on our site for clients for over 3 weeks now and can’t because of the Google Calendar issue and now I get to lose more time manually entering everything that gets added to the shared google calendar by our studio tenants to the availability schedule on woo bookings.

Additionally, for the availability schedule, it would be nice if you could set a recurring event with the same parameters that google calendar uses (like Every Friday, 4pm – 6pm or Every 3rd Friday 4pm – 6pm). Right now you can set a date range like May 14th – 30th, 4pm – 6pm, but you can’t create a recurring day at weekly or biweekly or monthly intervals. Basically just mirror the same recurring event features as Google Calendar has. I will add this as a separate feature request.


Sonya Andrews

Current Status


Last updated: April 19, 2024


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