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added by Latoya

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Smart Coupons for WooCommerce

Boost sales and customer loyalty. Create advanced discounts, sell gift cards, set BOGO deals, give store credits, and all types of rule based dynamic discounts with this all-in-one Smart Coupons plugin for WooCommerce.

Integration with mailchimp to generate unique coupon codes for new subscribers and abandoned carts

Mailchimp can only pull static existing coupon codes from woocommerce which is fine for one-off sales. However, for ongoing, single-use promotions we need unique (single use) codes to be generated and emailed to customers.


Current Status


Last updated: October 29, 2020

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  1. promero0076 says:

    I am thrilled other people are thinking of this. I send out a coupon to new newsletter subscribers and I often get people who sign up to the newsletter just for the coupon and order product with a different email. They never open a newsletter again. It would be great to have coupons that only subs could use as incentive to stay subscribed, especially if they have to click through a link in the newsletter to activate the coupon for them on the site.