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WooCommerce Blocks

by  Woo
WooCommerce Blocks offers a range of Gutenberg blocks you can use to build and customise your site.

Make CVC graphic for AMEX cards 4-digit

The current graphic for Card Verification Code shows a 3-digit code, which is usually found on the BACK of a credit card. However, for AMEX cards, the CVC is the FOUR-digit code on FRONT of the card.

It is confusing for AMEX customers who see the 3-digit graphic and enter the 3-digit code on the BACK of their AMEX cards by mistake, leading to failed payments and card abandonment.

If the card entered is recognised as AMEX (which you are already doing, with the blue AMEX icon), then the CVC should change additionally to a graphic of the FOUR digit code on the FRONT of the card.



Current Status


Last updated: July 1, 2023


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