Product Icon


Storefront is an intuitive & flexible, free theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce.

Make the sale element located where it should be located :)

The sale element on categories/listing is located below the Product Title, this is insanity… why would we want to waste that whole row area pushing things down, when its extremely common for that “highlighted” element, to be located in a top corner of the product image, some things are common and standard for a reason, it really is the most functional as well as aesthetically pleasing… I understand when themes like this are meant to “make your own” but when you’re making low experienced DIY’ers adjust things that should not need adjustments its really annoying.. thats like making us add our own Search button… thats an extremely common site-wide type thing, right? Same with Sale elements, they shouldn’t be just listed in its own row, sorry now im ranting i just never find a well balanced framework, at least for me 🙂


Current Status


Last updated: June 20, 2016


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