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Added by Russell Langley in Partner Marketing

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WooCommerce Memberships

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts.

Membership plugin: Products with a membership-discount should be discounted when buying simultaneously with the membership

Products with a membership-discount should be discounted when buying simultaneously with the membership. This should be the default behavior so I would almost call it a bug rather than a missing feature. I can’t imagine anyone expecting this to work differently. PaidMembershipPro has this in their free version but it doesn’t work for the Membership/Subscription plugin combo which has a premium price.

Thanks for adding this!


Current Status


Last updated: July 14, 2015


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  1. Maarten says:

    Any news on this? It’s one thing to improve or introduce features on the back-end but I feel its a lot more critical when customers are affected directly. I’m sure you agree, please get this fixed.

  2. SkyVerge says:

    A workaround in the meantime could be to use a “Cart Line item quantity” rule with Dynamic Pricing. This would discount the ‘member discount’ product if a membership is in the cart — sample set up here: