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Smart Coupons for WooCommerce

Boost sales and customer loyalty. Create advanced discounts, sell gift cards, set BOGO deals, give store credits, and all types of rule based dynamic discounts with this all-in-one Smart Coupons plugin for WooCommerce.

Minimum / Maximum Order Quantities

We want a coupon to trigger when a customer purchases a product different from the product the coupon discounts. To do this, we select the “Product” option under “Product quantity based restrictions” in “User restriction” tab.

Unfortunately though, our issue arose when we tested this. We found that this field applies an “exact” parameter restriction and not a “minimum” restriction.


*Enter “ITEM X” in the “Products” field and “2” in the “No minimum” field*
– Customer adds to cart (2) ITEM X
– Coupon becomes valid to fully discount (1) ITEM Y

What we want:
– Customer adds to cart (4) ITEM X
– Coupon becomes valid to fully discount up to (2) ITEM Y
What we get:
– Customer adds to cart (4) ITEM X
– Coupon is invalid because amount of ITEM Y in cart is a number other than 2



Current Status


Last updated: December 18, 2022


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  1. nielsgeurs says:

    yes, same problem here…

  2. aphoustonf4c7d558d5 says:

    Yes… 100% agree. I ran into the same issue and reported it to StoreApps as a bug. So, I’m definitely surprised and dismayed that it turns out this was a known issue even as early as a YEAR ago, but is being treated as a “feature request”.

    I don’t understand why fixing this isn’t more of a priority for the developer. 🙁 It seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult, given the fact that:
    a) that’s how the “cart” restrictions work already, and
    b) this plugin is so fantastic that it’s not like they don’t know how to accomplish it, from a coding standpoint.

  3. Angela Hartford says:

    Up this has really limited our ability to use the functionality of this feature.

    This should be handled just like the “cart restrictions” — Right now, if you enter a “minimum” qty in the product or category field, it does not allow the coupon if a user has more than the number entered here as it is looking for “EXACT” not “MINIMUM”. And the user gets an error that the coupon is invalid.

  4. Mystery says:

    I would also like to be able to set a minimum/maximum qty when I select “Product” option under “Product quantity based restrictions” in “User restriction” tab.