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Customize My Account for WooCommerce

Add custom tabs and content to your account page. Easily organize and customize tabs to suit your needs using the built-in style customizer."

Modify endpoints added by other plugins

Hello, I have purchased the plugin to customize my account and I am missing two options.
It does not allow modifying and ordering endpoints added by other plugins. It also does not allow me to modify the content of my account, such as allowing me to see more than one order placed. Thank you



Current Status


Last updated: November 8, 2023

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  1. ThemeGrill says:
    Product developer November 9, 2023 10:06 am

    We have a feature in place that enables the modification and ordering of endpoints, as introduced by other plugins. When it comes to altering or modifying the default content, the plugin isn’t specifically designed for this purpose. However, it does provide the capability to either remove the default content entirely or to append content at the beginning or end of the default content.

    If you encounter any challenges in altering the endpoints due to potential conflicts with other plugins, we kindly suggest creating a support ticket through your account for further assistance.