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Smart Coupons for WooCommerce

Boost sales and customer loyalty. Create advanced discounts, sell gift cards, set BOGO deals, give store credits, and all types of rule based dynamic discounts with this all-in-one Smart Coupons plugin for WooCommerce.

More control on allowing multiple coupons

Instead of simply checking the “individual use” box, it would be nice to have conditional options. For instance, only allowing Coupon A and Coupon B to be used together.

OR be able to only allow one coupon from a coupon category. For instance, we have influencer coupons that we may want to allow stacking coupons for a specific promo, but we don’t want multiple influencer coupons being used in addition to the current promo.

Basically the ability to create advanced rules about which coupons can be used together and being able to limit it so that a customer can’t use 10+ coupons and stack them all together.


Current Status


Last updated: December 3, 2020


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