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RedSys Gateway | Pasarela Redsys para WooCommerce

Allow customers to check out and pay via RedSys (CaixaBank, Santander, BBVA, etc), InSite, Bizum, Bizum without leaving the website, Apple Pay, Google Pay, MasterPass, Paygold in your WooCommerce store. Allow Pay with 1 click, Subscriptions, Preauthorizations, Refunds, etc.

Multilple accounts with one installation

Hi, i was wondering if this plugin has the possibility to configure multiple bank accounts in one installation. We want to create a global booking system for various companies, where each company will have their own TPV. So depending on which service is purchased, the payment will to the correct company. Is this currently possible with this plugin?



Current Status


Last updated: October 3, 2023

1 comment

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  1. Jose Conti says:
    Product Developer October 3, 2023 10:43 am

    Hi @katijke,

    Yes, it can be done through a filter that the plugin has. However, you should ask Redsys first, because many banks do not accept Marketplace with different terminals from different merchants, which basically I understand is very similar to what you want to do. You wouldn’t want to run into problems later due to bank policies.

    Kind reagards
    José Conti