BST Category | Sitewide Banner Q1 2025

Added by Marketing - Russell L

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Back In Stock Notifications for WooCommerce

Notify customers when your products are restocked.

no auto-detection for already subscribed status

Lets say you are an guest visitor.
You opened my product and subscribing now the waitlist.
The page will reload (not good, better using ajax like all other plugins like yours).
After page reload you will see message: Great, you have subscribed now our product for waitlist…
Now the problem:
A little bit under “success message” you still see again:
“Ooooh, this product is out of stock, but you can subscribe it now”. Under this text you still see the emailadress field and the subscribe now button.

Why not hiding the elements if guest visitors subscribed the product and the page is reloaded?

Based on that status your plugin does not have a workflow and very messy and confusing UX.
Why other plugin developers can hide it also for guests after page reload for subscribing the product?
That is clean UX and not messy and not confusing visitors.



Current Status


Last updated: January 13, 2025


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