New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Product Icon, a Visa solution for WooCommerce

Online payments leader, a Visa Solution, helps thousands of businesses simplify payments by offering more solutions, more support, and more strength to stand on.

Option to NOT send Line Items

We recently received the following error: “Authorize.Net Credit Card Payment Failed (Code: E00015, Message: The field length is invalid for Line Items.) Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.”

Evidently’s API does NOT support more than 30 line items per transaction. We also configured our ERP system (Odoo) to process credit card transactions. It does not send line items and we have never seen this error code using our ERP’s API setup. Odoo only sends the customer’s billing data, card info, and order totals. Could you add a boolean field to the plugin settings menu to stop sending itemized order line items?

Alternatively, could an order with many line items be batched into multiple orders?


Paul A Bond

Current Status


Last updated: July 28, 2022


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