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Xero for WooCommerce

Save time with automated sync between WooCommerce and your Xero account.

Personal Name on Invoice Not Company

We should be able to choose whether we want to use the customer name or company name for the invoices in Xero.

The only reason we have the company name is for delivery purposes as most people want the delivery during the day at work.

The purchases are all personal

This should be an admin setting


Current Status


Last updated: November 20, 2019


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  1. thisissandipmondal says:

    Hi folks!

    You can use the below code snippet to have the Xero Invoices use the customer name instead of the company name:

    add_filter(‘woocommerce_xero_use_company_name’, ‘__return_false’);

  2. Austin Ballard says:

    Agree, this should be the default behaviour.

  3. Steve Gaensler says:

    I Agree. Can we get an update on this please.