Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

Product Icon

EU VAT Number

Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses.

Please add a CSS class to VAT field and description note above the field

Currently when applying EU VAT end-point to a My Account custom dashboard, when the user selects the end-point link, the area where the field is shown is missing a description of the field.

All the user can see in the space of the woocommerce shortcode is a field with no label and save button.

This is not consistent in terms how the other woocommerce end point fields are displayed… I.e. With at least a label.

Better yet, update your plugin to include the ability for us in the wordpress plugin admin area to define our own free text label and also include a CSS class specifically for the ‘save’ button, so that we can edit it to match other buttons in the my account page.



Current Status


Last updated: February 12, 2024


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