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Product Vendors for WooCommerce

by  Woo
Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace

Product Vendors – admin option to change “Vendor” text

Admin option to change generic “Vendor” text on front end / vendor admin.

“Vendor” is not a good term when you are running a niche market place – for artists or photographers for example.

Need a simple admin option to change this term – so that Vendor Dashboard reads Artist’s Dashboard for example. Writing functions too complex for many and using a translation plagin for this task is overkill. Thanks.


Current Status


Last updated: February 27, 2019

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  1. Rick Mac Gillis says:

    Definitely need this functionality for a client’s project. For now, I’ll manually replace it by hooking into the text processed by WordPress by using the gettext filter hook, even though it’s far less efficient.